What are the Limits of Science? | Dr. James Le Fanu

James Le Fanu is a doctor, an award-winning author and a columnist for the Daily Telegraph. His book “Why Us” (2009) is a fascinating look at Darwinism, modern genetics and neuroscience. Dr. Le Fanu explains why breakthroughs in modern biology have only deepened age-old mysteries, and suggests that our materialist, reductionist science has run out of explanatory steam when it comes to biology’s big questions.

Why Us: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00B0PFN7O/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

Full bio:

“James Le Fanu is a doctor, columnist and historian of science and medicine. He studied the humanities at Ampleforth College before switching to medicine, graduating from Cambridge University and the Royal London Hospital in 1974. He subsequently worked in the Renal Transplant Unit at the Royal Free and Cardiology Department at St Mary’s Hospital.

For the past twenty years he has combined medical practice with writing a twice weekly column for the Sunday Telegraph and Daily Telegraph as well as contributing reviews and articles to The Times, Spectator, Prospect, The Oldie, The British Medical Journal and Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. His much acclaimed ‘The Rise and Fall of Modern Medicine’ won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in 2014. He is married to the publisher Juliet Annan, has two children Frederick and Allegra and lives in South London.”


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