ByAlex BorthwickJanuary 15, 2022 Science & Religion: Conflict or Harmony? A radically fresh take on this age-old question. Journal Science & Religion Science: Bible vs. Quran Social & Historical Analysis
ByAlex BorthwickJanuary 16, 2020 First Contact: How the Quran Predicted Alien Life 1400 Years Ago Close Encounters of the Islamic Kind — an exploration by Muslim Physicist, Alexander Borthwick. Journal Prophecies Science & Religion
ByAlex BorthwickAugust 15, 2019 Did Religion Evolve from Polytheism to Monotheism? Atheists for over 2000 years have said that religion went from many gods to One God. The problem is, that's not what the evidence tells us. Journal Answering Atheism Philosophy
ByAlex BorthwickApril 4, 2019 How to Find God A step-by-step guide to forging a relationship with the Creator, written by a convert to Islam Ahmadiyya. Journal Mental Health Spirituality
ByAlex BorthwickOctober 23, 2018 Science & Religion: Similarities and Differences Science and religion. Friends or foes? The two fields have been in an intellectual and experimental dance since… Answering Atheism Journal Science & Religion Social & Historical Analysis
ByAlex BorthwickSeptember 9, 2017 How I Became a Spiritual Scientist Converts Like Us is a new Rational Religion series highlighting the experiences of converts to Islam Ahmadiyya. We… Convert Stories Journal Spirituality