9 Scientific Miracles of the Quran (No. 4 Will Surprise You!)

Dr. Umar Nasser explains how so many scientific verses of the Quran have been proved true.

We live in an age of materialism. People believe that matter, energy and the laws of nature are all that exist. They see no place for God when they examine the discoveries of science. They tell us that God is an outdated belief, only there to serve ancient superstitions.

The Quran presents a different outlook. It tells us that the Author of the Quran is the Author of the universe. The same God who reveals Himself through His Work also reveals Himself through His Word.

This is not a mere claim. The Quran itself demonstrates its divine origin. One of the ways it does this is through its description of scientific phenomena.

God, knowing that atheist scientists in this age would lead people astray, revealed verses that detail major scientific phenomena. From the tongue of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, an illiterate man in the Arabian wilderness, came descriptions of natural phenomena that have only now been confirmed.

Ancient Muslims either accepted these verses literally, or being unable to understand their physical reality, interpreted them metaphorically. However, in today’s age, we have seen their truth confirmed.

In this way, God has made the scientific discoveries of the modern age a way of finding Him, rather than a way of losing Him.

In this article, we will explore the miraculous nature of seven such prophecies of scientific discovery. As a bonus, we will discuss two others that have yet to be fulfilled.

Please note that all Quranic references are given with a system that enumerates the first verse of every chapter. You may need to subtract 1 from the verse reference to find the verse in your Quran. See here for more information on this.

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1. The Big Bang

100 years ago, the world’s best scientific minds thought that the universe had always existed. Since it always existed, it didn’t need a Creator.

Einstein changed all that.

His ‘field equations’ suggested that the universe was expanding like a balloon. The mathematician and Belgian Priest, George Lemaître, realised that this expansion had to have started from somewhere. It must have come from an initial, dense point. This idea became known as the Big Bang. Today, it is the basis for understanding the origin of the universe.

lemaitre einstein
Einstein & Lemaître

What few people know however is that the Holy Quran described the Big Bang perfectly, 1400 years earlier.

اَوَ لَمۡ یَرَ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡۤا اَنَّ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ الۡاَرۡضَ کَانَتَا رَتۡقًا فَفَتَقۡنٰہُمَا ؕ وَ جَعَلۡنَا مِنَ الۡمَآءِ کُلَّ شَیۡءٍ حَیٍّ ؕ اَفَلَا یُؤۡمِنُوۡنَ

Do not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass (ratqan), then We opened them out? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? 

Holy Quran, 21:31

The arabic word ratqan means a closed-up mass. It also means darkness. A dark, closed-up mass is a perfect description of what we know the universe looked like in its earliest moments. The heavens and the Earth were indeed opened out from this mass to produce the universe we see today.

The verse further says that water is the basis of life. This is now an accepted scientific fact. When NASA look for planets that can bear life, they look for water.

The shocking power of this verse is a grand sign for our disbelieving age.

2. The Expansion of the Universe

Einstein’s equations tell us that the universe is expanding. This discovery surprised everyone.

For decades thereafter, scientists thought the universe exploded out of the Big Bang, and has been slowing down ever since. But they were wrong. The universe’s expansion has recently been speeding up. This mysterious re-expansion is driven by what we call dark energy. About 5 billion years ago, this mysterious anti-gravity began pushing the universe outwards once more.

The Holy Quran describes this perfectly:

وَالسَّمَاءَ بَنَيْنَاهَا بِأَيْدٍ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ

And We have built the heaven with might and We continue to expand it indeed.

Holy Quran 51:48

This astonishing verse does not just tell us that the universe has expanded. The arabic ‘la-mūsiʿūna’ tells us that the universe is continuing to expand.

Such a statement is a sure sign of the Prophet Muhammad’s truth, peace be upon him.

To read more about Big Bang cosmology in the Quran, see this in-depth article.

CMB universe expansion 1
Our expanding universe

3. The End of the Universe

The Quran does not only tell us about things that have already been discovered. Rather, it tells us about scientific phenomena still debated today. These next two are not yet confirmed but their mere discussion is worthy of note.

One such topic is the end of the universe. Will it continue to expand forever, or collapse back in on itself? The Holy Quran sheds light on this enigmatic matter:

یَوۡمَ نَطۡوِی السَّمَآءَ کَطَیِّ السِّجِلِّ لِلۡکُتُبِ ؕ کَمَا بَدَاۡنَاۤ اَوَّلَ خَلۡقٍ نُّعِیۡدُہٗ ؕ وَعۡدًا عَلَیۡنَا ؕ اِنَّا کُنَّا فٰعِلِیۡنَ

“Remember the day when We shall roll up the heavens like the rolling up of written scrolls by a scribe. As We began the first creation, so shall We repeat it — a promise binding upon Us; We shall certainly perform it.”

Holy Quran 21:105

This vivid description of the Quran completely fits the picture of the universe collapsing into a black hole. Angular momentum would cause the fabric of space to enter into it like the rolls of parchment. Then, a new universe would emerge.

It is only a matter of time until this shocking fate of the universe is confirmed to be the most likely by physicists.

end of the universe
An artist’s impression of a black hole. Note the scroll-like ripples emanating from its sides.

4. Extraterrestrial Life

Next we come to Extraterrestrial life. In 1960, Frank Drake performed the first modern SETI experiment, in the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. Yet God’s pronouncements outpaced man’s imagination by more than a millennium.

وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ خَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَثَّ فِيهِمَا مِن دَابَّةٍ ۚ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ جَمْعِهِمْ إِذَا يَشَاءُ قَدِيرٌ

“And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever living creatures (dābbah) He has spread forth in both. And He has the power to gather them together (jam-‘i-him) when He will so please.”

Holy Qur’an 42:30

In this verse, the Quran speaks of living creatures which inhabit space — the ‘heavens’ — and which move on land, this being the meaning of the word ‘dābbah.’

The verse goes on to declare that mankind will one day come into contact with these creatures in some way (jam-’i-him). In other verses the Quran proclaims that they receive revelation as we do.

These declarations of the Quran constitute evidence for its divine origin, for which man of that age could not only envisage the existence of aliens on far away planets, but proclaim future contact with them?

One hopes the day will come soon when this extraordinary prophecy finds its fulfilment.

Read more about extra-terrestrial life in the Quran here.

space satellite


5. Evolution in the Quran

While most people today believe that evolution was first described by Darwin, nothing could be further from the truth.

The first descriptions of biological evolution are found in the writings of Muslim scholars, over a millennium ago. John William Draper, author of The History of the Conflict Between Science and Religion (1874) wrote that:

“Theological authorities were therefore constrained to look with disfavor… on the Mohammedan theory of the evolution of man from lower forms, or his gradual development to his present condition in the long lapse of time.”

Draper was right. Scholars such as the Brethren of Purity, Al-Jāḥiẓ, Ibn Khaldūn, and Rumirh freely discussed evolution. They found the idea described in the Holy Quran:

مَا لَکُمۡ لَا تَرۡجُوۡنَ لِلّٰہِ وَقَارًا 

وَ قَدۡ خَلَقَکُمۡ اَطۡوَارًا

وَ اللّٰہُ اَنۡۢبَتَکُمۡ مِّنَ الۡاَرۡضِ نَبَاتًا 

“What is the matter with you that you do not ascribe dignity to Allah? And certainly he has created you in stages… And Allah has raised you from the Earth like the raising of vegetation.” Holy Quran 71; 15-16, 18

The Quran proposes that man underwent development through different stages, adopting different forms and conditions (atwāran) before culminating in his current condition. It implicates plant life as part of human development — an area for further research.

Evolution discussed by the Quran does not take the Darwinian form, which is guided by chance. Rather, the Quran tells us that God Himself guides biological evolution:

وَ رَبُّکَ یَخۡلُقُ مَا یَشَآءُ وَ یَخۡتَارُ ؕ مَا کَانَ لَہُمُ الۡخِیَرَۃُ ؕ سُبۡحٰنَ اللّٰہِ وَ تَعٰلٰی عَمَّا یُشۡرِکُوۡنَ

“And thy Lord creates whatever He pleases and selects. It is not for them to select. Glorified be Allah, and far is He above all that they associate with Him.” Holy Qur’an 28:69

You can find all our material on this topic under the ‘evolution’ sub-tab on our Topic Index.


6. Embryology

In the 7th Century, like most branches of medicine, embryology was in its infancy.

The most advanced embryological knowledge of the day belonged to the Greek Doctor Galen, who held incorrect notions about the origin of semen and the development of the embryo. In contrast, the Quranic account is more accurate and verified by our modern observations.

وَ لَقَدۡ خَلَقۡنَا الۡاِنۡسَانَ مِنۡ سُلٰلَةٍ مِّنۡ طِیۡنٍ ﴿ۚ۱۳﴾ ثُمَّ جَعَلۡنٰهُ نُطۡفَةً فِیۡ قَرَارٍ مَّکِیۡنٍ ﴿۪۱۴﴾ ثُمَّ خَلَقۡنَا النُّطۡفَةَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقۡنَا الۡعَلَقَةَ مُضۡغَةً فَخَلَقۡنَا الۡمُضۡغَةَ عِظٰمًا فَکَسَوۡنَا الۡعِظٰمَ لَحۡمًا ٭ ثُمَّ اَنۡشَاۡنٰهُ خَلۡقًا اٰخَرَ ؕ فَتَبٰرَکَ اللهُ اَحۡسَنُ الۡخٰلِقِیۡنَ ﴿ؕ۱۵

“Verily, We created man from an extract of clay; Then We placed him as a drop of sperm in a safe depository. Then we fashioned the sperm into a clot; then We fashioned the clot into a shapeless lump; then We fashioned bones out of this shapeless lump; then We clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed it into another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators.”

Holy Qur’an, 23:13-15

The Arabic used in this verse accurately depicts the detail and sequence of how we develop in the womb. The Quran describes how the conceptus is produced from a mixture of elements, how the early embryo clings onto the uterine wall, how it then develops into a differentially formed lump, before developing bony structures clothed with flesh. Finally, it describes the birth of the soul within the physical framework of the body.

The sequence and depth of this description cannot be rivalled by any understanding available at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Given the verse’s startling accuracy, Maurice Bucaille, a French doctor who studied this verse, remarked:

“More than a thousand years before our time, at a period when whimsical doctrines still prevailed, men had… the Qur’an. The statements it contains express in simple terms truths of primordial importance which man has taken centuries to discover.”

The Bible, the Qur’an and Science, pg. 220



7. What Lies Beneath Mountains

Mountains are among the grandest features of Earth’s landscapes. What lies beneath their surface has been an impenetrable mystery until the invention of modern technology. The Quran however gave us guidance on this over a millennium ago:

اَلَمۡ نَجۡعَلِ الۡاَرۡضَ مِهدًا ۙ﴿۷﴾ وَّ الۡجِبَالَ اَوۡتَادًا ﴿۪ۙ۸﴾

“Have We not made the earth a bed, And the mountains as pegs?”

Holy Qur’an 78:7-8

Here mountains, Al-Jibāl, are described as pegs. The word awtādan means roots, or pegs. Astoundingly, modern geology has discovered that mountains project deep roots into the Earth’s crust. One geology textbook tells us:

“Beneath a mountain range, where the crust is thickest, a deep root projects into the mantle and provides buoyancy.”  Understanding Earth, Grotzinger & Jordan, pg. 630 (2014).

Not only this, but an even more astounding declaration is made in the Quran:

وَ تَرَی الۡجِبَالَ تَحۡسَبُهَا جَامِدَۃً وَّ هِیَ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ السَّحَابِ ؕ صُنۡعَ اللهِ الَّذِیۡۤ أَتۡقَنَ کُلَّ شَیۡءٍ ؕ اِنَّهُ خَبِیۡرٌۢ بِمَا تَفۡعَلُوۡنَ ﴿۸۹﴾

“The mountains that you see, you think they are stationary while they are constantly floating like the floating of clouds. Such is the work of Allah Who made everything firm and strong. ” Holy Quran 27:89

Here, the Quran tells us that visible mountains appear stationary while in reality they float like clouds. There are only two ways in which this can be true: either the entire Earth is rotating, causing the mountains to float in space, or mountain ranges are somehow floating on top of the Earth.

Incredibly, both are true! The Earth is indeed rotating. Not only this, but mountain ranges float on top of the Earth’s crust:

“… as a mountain range forms, it slowly sinks under the force of gravity, and the continental crust bends downward. When enough of a root bulges into the mantle to provide buoyancy, the mountain range floats.” Understanding Earth, Grotzinger & Jordan, pg. 630 (2014).

This is clear evidence for the truth of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

root 2
A diagram showing how fold mountains project pegs into the Earth.

You can read a more in-depth analysis on this topic here.

8. Mountains & Earthquakes

For many decades, atheists have claimed that the Quran makes a clear scientific mistake when it discusses mountains and earthquakes:

…وَ أَلۡقٰی فِی الۡاَرۡضِ رَوَاسِیَ اَنۡ تَمِیۡدَ بِکُمۡ …

“…He has placed in the earth firm mountains (rawāsiya) that it may not quake with you…”

Holy Quran 31:11

Critics alleged that the production of mountains occur at areas where earthquake activity is increased. Therefore, they argued, the verse is wrong.

But new scientific evidence about subduction has transformed our understanding of mountains and earthquakes. Subduction occurs when oceanic crust goes under continental crust, before being recycled in the Earth’s mantle. If the oceanic crust was entirely smooth, the two plates would get stuck against each other, build tension, then suddenly slip. This slip would produce massive ‘megathrust’ earthquakes.

Remarkably, the oceanic crust is not smooth. It is made uneven by huge undersea mountains, seamounts. Over the last decade, powerful evidence has shown that seamounts break up the plates at the subduction zone, leading to a slow but steady creep. This greatly reduces the chance of massive ‘megathrust’ earthquakes.

The Quran gives us further proof that these verses refer to seamounts. When discussing mountains reducing earthquake activity, the Quran only refers to mountains that are rāwasiya rather than jibāl. The arabic root r-s-w has the connotation of effecting harmony, and an anchor at the bottom of the sea. These meanings clearly apply to seamounts.

Thus, these stunning verses give an answer to all those who doubt the truth of the Holy Quran.

seamount map
Seamounts as seen from space imaging

You can read more about this topic and find references to scientific papers in our article here.

9. Tectonic Plates

One of the greatest scientific revolutions of the modern day was the discovery that the Earth’s continents are not fixed. The Quran itself sheds light on this topic. 

وَ الۡاَرۡضَ مَدَدۡنٰہَا وَ اَلۡقَیۡنَا فِیۡہَا رَوَاسِیَ وَ اَنۡۢبَتۡنَا فِیۡہَا مِنۡ کُلِّ زَوۡجٍۭ بَہِیۡجٍ

“And the earth — We have spread it out, and placed therein firm mountains (rāwasiya); and We have made to grow therein every kind of beautiful species.” Holy Quran, 50:8

In verses such as this, the Holy Quran tells us that the Earth has been spread out. This verse is difficult to understand except in the context of modern science.

We now know that tectonic plates are produced in a process literally called seafloor spreading. This occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where magma bursts out of the Earth to produce oceanic crust. This process also produces volcanoes on the ocean floor, which become seamounts, or rāwasiya, as explained earlier.

wiki spreading
Seafloor Spreading in action

But there is more. Not only is the crust of the Earth literally produced in seafloor spreading, but tectonic plates have themselves been spread across the surface of the globe. While they were once the super-continent Pangaea, they are now distributed across the globe to produce the Earth we inhabit today.

By discussing the shifting ground on which we walk, and linking it to seamounts, the Quran has once again demonstrated its truth for our scientific age.

Tectonic plates
Tectonic Plates of Earth

You can read more about this topic here.

It is indeed extraordinary that so many of the remarkable scientific discoveries of the last 100 years, from discovering the intricate biological processes in embryological development, to unravelling the Big Bang and the expansion of the universe, were foretold fourteen-hundred years ago in the Holy Quran. Without the help of God, is it possible that an illiterate man living in the Arabian wilderness could even have dreamt such things, let alone predicted them with such startling accuracy? We say no, and hold this as evidence that the Quran was not the word of man, but the Word of God.

    1. Asalamalaykum,
      For number three the verse is surah anbiya verse 104. I was very confused when I looked it up originally as the verse was different. I checked woth Quran.com and Quranly to make sure the correct verse is in fact verse number 104.

      1. Wasalaam. We use Qurans where ‘Bismillah…’ is enumerated as the first verse. Contemporary Sunni Quran’s do not. Ahmadiyya Qurans do this because of a clear hadith in Abu Dawud that bimsillah… is part of the revelation at the beginning of Surah’s. So your problem is with Sunni Qurans, not ours. Use readquran.app for a correctly enumerated experience.

  1. Hello,
    About the universe being rolled up like a scroll verse. The most accepted hypothesis for how the universe is going to end is the Big Freeze, which doesn’t really square up with the Islamic account about how it will end. How will it affect this view and these verses if it is established that this will be how the universe ends? Is there any evidence to the contrary from modern cosmology?
    Kind Regards,

    1. Wasalaam. People don’t really know how it will end. There are still far too many questions to be certain, and what the nature of dark energy is will have a huge impact on this debate. We still don’t know much about it, though in the next few decades there will be further big attempts to empirically measure it. If there are extremely good reasons to believe in the Big Freeze (which there aren’t currently) and we have a ‘complete physics’ then presumably one could say that the Quran’s credibility will be affected. Naturally, we expect the opposite to happen over the coming decades.

      1. That’s interesting. Have you heard about Roger Penrose’s hypothesis that the collision of the andromeda Galaxy And our Milky Way Galaxy could result in the creation of a new universe, via a black hole? And his universal Orch OR model for consciousness (the soul)? You should definitely look at his and Stuart Hameroff’s work. It would be great to hear your opinion on it, or even interview one or both of them in the future.

        1. I want to state this categorically without fear of contradiction about how the universe will come to an end, the stars will fades away, and completely extinguished one by one read Sura 81:1-2 When the sun will be wrapped up in darkness and the stars falls.
          The scientist believe our sun has 8 billion years before it runs out of fuel and it will expand as it burn the helium then implode into dwarf blue stars, is it not the same as wrapped up in dark, then the fall of stars when stars started to go dark one by and it is now slowly happening what scientist refered as dark matters is eating the energy that used to create stars the in nebula reduced.

          How will our lives in planet end, it will be caused by super earthquake waves after waves caused by expansion of solar ,all volcanoes will go supernova and the ocean will be hot while its evaporated and the super storm with level all the mountains and the soil will be melted together with tectonic in molten rock to form some kind of iron shit or bronze to cover the earth surface. Ask any Muslims what will happen after the first trampet you will get the same answer.
          So saying the universe will be frozen might be true since all stars that gives energy to the universe will be extinguished and everyone knows there’s no energy in space but cold vaccum. It is logic than discovery.

      2. The Qur’an and Bible both tells us that of that day, know one knows. Only God knows how and when this will happen. Everything else is conjecture and opinions.

      3. I’m sorry to come off as a bit knackered, but the sections on Geology, specifically, are completely misrepresenting of the field. Firstly, megathrusts are only one kind of earthquake, literally thousands of earthquakes occur every month, and many of them *in mountains*, so that contradicts the point made about mountains somehow making stability. Don’t believe me? Look it up, even though I’m a Geoscience major. Also, Pangaea was merely one convergent event in the history of the Earth, not the first. If you’re making the point that the “original” tectonic plates were somehow pangaean, you’re completely mistaken, as no part of geological history indicates that Pangaea was somehow the first crust.

        1. The Quran does not say that mountains stop all earthquakes – obviously. It says a particular type of mountain (al-rawasiyya) have a role in reducing the human experience of earthquakes. This is obviously born out through seamounts & megathrusts. Please have a look at our main article discussing this in detail: https://rationalreligion.co.uk/1400-year-old-quranic-claim-on-mountains-earthquakes-proven-true-by-new-scientific-research

          Re: Pangaea, that’s not what we’ve said at all. We were making the poin that tectonic plates have indeed spread across the globe. More than that, the verse finds fulfillment in seafloor spreading.

          Kind regards,

          Umar Nasser

      4. Big Freeze refers to ice age on earth. If it is coming from universe, it will be end of our atmosphere and then once it’s protection is gone, earth temperatures will be – 270 degrees Celsius. Both way life will be at great risk or gone

    2. I think the verse about heavens being rolled up like a scroll could also mean stars, planets, entire star clusters being sucked into black holes, as they roll up around the black holes like a scroll when they get sucked in. I don’t think it must necessarily mean the entire universe, “heavens” could also refer to solar systems or star clusters. Forming a new creation could also mean that new planets continue to form in the universe and that new life is created there.

      1. Just don’t read short article.Read Quran in your language. It may take 2 to 4 days to read Quran. Read Quran and then decide. Is it wrong? Or right?. If you don’t have 2 to 4 days to read Quran then just don’t read this short article because these article’s are incomplete.

        1. Maybe correct; the surprising fact which I found was the number of the scientific facts in Quoran; You can find multiple types of scientifically miracles in the Quoran’s verses. But you need to concentrate in the context of the verses.

    3. if dark matter gets stronger than dark energy then the universe will roll up on it self but it doesnt look like there is enough dark matter right now dark energy(the thing that makes the expansion) is much stronger so it will freeze but you never know dark matter could become the dominant again

    4. The end pf our universe is predicted in many ways one of them is that as follow:- Firstly the universe will expand to such an extent that life as we know it will cease to exist and by life I don’t only mean human or animal or plant life but the planetary life. The stars will have nothing to run their fuel on so they will become red giants and eventually explode and become black holes. Not just one or two or three but suppose if there are 100 stars in our milky way galaxy then 95 of them will become black holes and then these black holes in order to survive will eat(absorb) whatever they could even the slightest matter will be absorbed by these black holes and as there are going to be billions and billions of them there will be nothing left. So this is going to fit the explanation. Although Allahu alam he knows best and he is best of the planners. Do not believe what i said it is just a theory. We are nothing and no one to judge in front of the almighty and wise.

        1. the words used to describe the bee, re (kulī, fa-us’lukī, rabbiki, buṭūnihā) they all use the female pronoune. These are NOT words with the male pronone attatched to them. Look it up if you don’t belivie me.

  2. One question regarding Quranic embryology. Why does not the Quran mention eggs(ova)? You can not talk about embryology without talking about eggs as the embryo does not develop from sperm alone, but from zygote, the fusion of a sperm and an egg. That makes Quranic embryology sound more similar to Greek embryology.

    1. Salaam! One interpretation of qarar makeen is the ovum – that was the interpretation of the 2nd Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The term could also encompass the womb as a whole. We have an article on embryology in the works that covers these issues in depth.

  3. Salams!

    This is just to leave a note about a mistake I noticed on this post.


    Under the GEOLOGY: What Lies Beneath Mountains

    You quoted the Quran:
    وَ تَرَی الۡجِبَالَ تَحۡسَبُهَا جَامِدَۃً وَّ هِیَ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ السَّحَابِ ؕ صُنۡعَ اللهِ الَّذِیۡۤ أَتۡقَنَ کُلَّ شَیۡءٍ ؕ اِنَّهُ خَبِیۡرٌۢ بِمَا تَفۡعَلُوۡنَ ﴿۸۹﴾

    “The mountains that you see, you think they are stationary while they are constantly floating like the floating of clouds. Such is the work of Allah Who made everything firm and strong. ” Holy Quran 27:89

    The verse here is incorrect. It should be corrected to Quran 27:88


  4. Salaam there is also another ayat of the quran which is related to science ayat 21 surah baqarah in which allah addresses the mankind as a whole and says that it is he who created them and those before them.Does this relate to dinosaurs that lived before human beings.

    1. Salam brother,

      Before Allah granted humanity to settle on earth, there was other kind/species on earth. They caused a lot of corruption and mischief on the face of the earth. They were known as Binn kind.

      So, Allah the almighty send the Jinns with Iblis as their commander and they wiped them out completely. Allah knows best.

      Hope that answers your questions

  5. Salam brother.please write an article on the light of moon and the sun.Many critics argue on that Quran mention moon light as (Nur) and one of the Allah’s name is also (Nur).
    So why muslims interpret moon light (Nur) as reflected light and Allah’s name as only (Nur).
    I have you have understood my concern

    1. Salam brother,

      Before Allah granted humanity to settle on earth, there was other kind/species on earth. They caused a lot of corruption and mischief on the face of the earth. They were known as Binn kind.

      So, Allah the almighty send the Jinns with Iblis as their commander and they wiped them out completely.

      Hope that answers your questions

  6. Hi There, hope you are well. I just wanted to ask what the Qu’ran says about reincarnation.
    Thanks in advance for your time

    1. Assalaamu alaikum. The Quran refutes the idea of reincarnation. It says that the only ‘reincarnation’ is our soul transiting through to the afterlife. There, we will have a new spiritual body that will be reflective of our spiritual state. See ‘The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam’ by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.


          1. Walekum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu

            In the extraterrestrial section, the verse you have posted has wrong verse number

            ““And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever living creatures (dābbah) He has spread forth in both. And He has the power to gather them together (jam-‘i-him) when He will so please.”

            This should be 42:29 but you have marked it as “Holy Qur’an 42:30”

            Please crosscheck and rectify it with correct verse number. JazakAllah

          2. It is not incorrect, as we explain on many articles, Qurans from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community include ‘Bismillahirrahmaaniraheem’ as the first verse, given hadith that indicates this is part of the Quran. JazakAllah.

        1. Yes he was claimed to be the last prophet by Claiming himself to be self created prophecy of return of Muhammad SAAW and thereby being the last prophet as he was himself Muhammad SAAW. The clevers of this cult of Ahmadiyya have no rules, they play foul and loose and they have kept their mass in ignorance and do not tell them the reality of MGAQ, they portay this schizophreniac as an upright person while he was one of the most shamless of all the liars born uptill now. There are many channel who show the immodest behavior, shamefull language, cheap dreams, eveil desires, spinning on beliefs and countless lies from his own writings in his own books. I welcome every simple Ahmadi to browse the channels like Zaytoon Fm or my channel for more detials.

      1. Here is a big problem: The Islamic teachings cannot explain what we were before birth, and this means accordingly that our soul was inexistent before birth, but will be immortal after that, and even after death. then the question which arises is What is the Soul. You say we will get a spiritual body. then who is We? Who is Me, who gets this spiritual body? Who is Me who dies (drops this physical body). that means the I or Me is not the body, but Soul. If is it so, then according to the Bible and Quran God blew over the piece of mud and gave it life (Adam). By blowing and giving life to Adam we can understand God gave something, a part of Himself, which is Life. Because God is Life, and God is the Universal Soul, means He is also eternal. Even the blow is a part of that soul, a part of God, which lives eternally, knowing no death or birth. then this is not really refuting the idea of reincarnation, but confirming it. A God which manifests in everything, in millions of forms and phenomena. That also means there is nothing but God, the only reality. If God is the only reality, then this physical world is only an illusion. Being an illusion or appearance is proved even by Quantum Physics today, as it was shown by yogis in ancient times and in Hindu scriptures. Your job is no doubt great, but is a loss of time, while no one can find a proper Truth this way, I mean studying Quran or even Bible one can find only superficial information, which happens to be similar to other scientifical ideas only on the surface. A scientific book is much thicker than the Quran, and the information in it is really detailed, giving a complete image. A doctor reads 50 books to become a doctor. How can one read only a book (Quran or Bible or whatever) and become wise or knowledgeable? This is not possible. People in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan studying only at religious schools, when coming to Europe seem really dumb, having no idea of basic knowledge on Mathematics, Geography, History, and at the professional level are not prepared at all. The Quran was not able to prepare them for life. Therefore they are facing big troubles trying to adapt to the new conditions.

        1. It seems like you have raised multiple interconnected questions and concerns about Islamic teachings, the nature of the soul, the concept of God, and the adequacy of religious texts for acquiring knowledge. I’ll do my best to address each point individually.

          Existence before birth and immortality of the soul: Islamic teachings do not explicitly address the state of the soul before birth. The focus is primarily on life after birth and the concept of an eternal afterlife. While the exact nature of the soul before birth is not defined in Islamic theology, the belief is that the soul is created by God and given life at the moment of conception.

          The identity of “Me” and the concept of the soul: In Islamic belief, the soul is considered the essential spiritual aspect of a person’s being, distinct from the physical body. The “Me” or personal identity is often associated with the soul rather than the physical body. The body is seen as a temporary vessel for the soul during earthly existence.

          Reincarnation: Islam does not support the concept of reincarnation. According to Islamic teachings, after death, the soul transitions to the afterlife, where it faces the consequences of its actions in the worldly life.

          God as the source of life: In Islamic theology, God is the creator and sustainer of all life. The Quran describes that God created Adam from clay and breathed life into him. However, this act of creation is not seen as God giving a part of Himself, but rather an act of divine will and power.

          Illusion of the physical world: While some philosophical and mystical interpretations within Islam explore the idea of the physical world being an illusion or a transient reality, it is not a mainstream belief in Islamic theology. Islam generally affirms the existence of the physical world as a real and meaningful creation of God.

          Acquiring knowledge: Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge in various fields, including religious and worldly knowledge. While religious texts like the Quran and Bible provide spiritual guidance and moral teachings, they may not cover all aspects of scientific or specialized knowledge. Muslims are encouraged to seek knowledge from various sources and disciplines to gain a comprehensive understanding of the world.

          It is important to note that individuals’ educational levels and intellectual capabilities cannot be solely attributed to their religious education. Factors such as socio-economic conditions, access to quality education, and individual aptitude also play significant roles.

          It’s worth mentioning that different individuals interpret and approach religious texts differently, leading to a range of understandings and perspectives. The depth and breadth of knowledge can vary among individuals, regardless of their religious or educational background.

  7. This is a fantastic article. I’ve only just discovered this website and very much appreciate the founders’ ingenuity in crafting it. Jazak’Allah for informing the world.

    1. The same phrase is in Chapter 31. Please check things before you start criticising. We haven’t hyperlinked to the Quranic verse.

  8. Brother, please come to India and debate these ideas with Hindus. You’ll understand that Quran is nowhere close to science, with all due respect for your faith. It was just a constitution book created for suppression and self benefits. On the other hand, if you want to know about science, then study Hinduism. That is, if you are a true scholar, otherwise you can misinterpret Quran as you like to mislead people.

    1. Lol study Hinduism if you want to know about science?? weren’t Hindus throwing cow feces at each other last year? Bathing in cow feces thinking its a cure against Covid. A man who is a Hindu Cow worshipper has a logic and common sense complication. So read the article again properly and don t talk about science. Maybe look at hygiene first, which is immensely lacking in Hinduism. You’ re welcome to join Islam at any time my friend.

  9. I’d like to say that I left a very civil comment criticizing this article, and now a few weeks later my comment is gone. Care to explain?

  10. The Quran is not “perfectly describing” but only refers with ambiguity to some scientific ideas which preexisted in other traditions. There are no details in the so-called scientific proofs. The Quran follows the Geocentrism of the times, and the solar model described by Galillei comes to crack down many of the quranic and biblical ideas. There is no heaven or hell, no 72 virgins neither kalmans. None of the Abrahamic religions can pretend to be universal messages. Why these religions continue to spill innocent blood today? They have something stupid in common which favour the conflict. Where is happiness and hope for humanity? Should we die first to get them? Can one be happy in this life before dies? What is spiritual in Islam? How can Shariah exist with happiness, love, women rights and respect in the same society? How can a badawy to be the last messenger? Then where is the evolution of human society? If some genuine questions are raised, all the scriptures collapse. Only then a peaceful world will arise.

    1. We gave many details here and the linked articles provide more.
      It doesn’t describe geocentrism.
      72 virgins thing is made up and isn’t in the Quran.
      Islam condemns terrorism and extremism.
      We cover all your criticisms in different articles and videos – navigate to ‘Topic Index’ at the top to have a look.


    2. If there is no hell or heaven so what about after death. Just disappearance. Everything need a creator. We human also need a creator. If the world form coincidently. So why human’s didn’t coincidently convert into animals. If there is no God and human’s made from ingredients. So why next generation born from mother womb. Why a mother has to be in pain to give birth. Just mix ingredients and form a child. Why women carry thier baby in their womb for nine month. Isn’t it simple to mix ingredients and form a child without a female without carrying a child for nine month in womb. If you don’t know about islam then don’t say anything. If you have time to read these short article. So read Quran. Don’t read these incomplete article.

      1. You should also talk about the fingerprints and how fresh water has a barrier between salt water…etc….

    3. Quran never mentions 72 virgins. All religions are based on messages and revelations that the one god has sent to different people and cultures, this is why they were so successfull. Religion is a part of human nature, which is why all cultures had religion independently from each other. This is also why every attempt to remove religion has failed.
      Without religion there would be just as much conflict or more, people would use other things like politics, nationalism, economy, ressources etc. as a reason for wars.
      We should spread happiness and hope to other people in this world, everything that benefits others is a form of serving creation which is a core part of Islam. If people understand this that god wants people to spread peace and treat others with love and empathy, the world will become more peaceful.
      There are many different Sharias. Just as there are many different interpretations of Islam. There are interpretations that do not understand Sharia as a political law, but as private rules that are separated from politics.

  11. If you don’t know about islam. Don’t say bullshit. Islam has a surah on women’s. Islam itself is a peaceful religion. If some muslim are doing wrong thing that doesn’t mean islam is wrong. Muslims don’t kill people. People’s kill muslim’s. More than 100 or 150 country kill muslim’s everyday. No one has problem with any other religion. Just only with muslims. Why? Because truth is always bitter. What is happening today and what has to be happen. We ( muslims) know already. I am not arguing. Just don’t read short articles. Read Quran in your language and then think that things written in Quran our wrong or right. Quran is a holy book with only 30 sapara. Reading Quran will may take 2 or 4 days. If you don’t have time to read Quran. So then just stop your bullshit. If you don’t know anything don’t say anything.

  12. Yes, in Sura ar Rahman 70-78 doesn,t say the number, but this doesn,t change the idea. Even a single virgin (Houri) cannot provide you sexual pleasure, for you left the body in the grave or fire. Patadise could be something inimaginable, but not about sex, rivers of honey and good food. Sex, food and fighting are for survival only. They have no meaning after death.
    The cause of almost all wars are based on religious ideas. Islam began with wars and invasions, and building of Abbasid and Umayyad empires.
    Muhammad was a simple man searching for worldly pleasure, therefore he imagined a wannabe paradise for his lust. He has nothing spiritual in his so called teachings. The world after Muhammad is even worse than before. I believe in freedom and democracy, which Islam and Christianity cannot provide. I am against Sharyah and Dawah. Without these two, the world could have peace and harmony. If one have reasoning cannot accept religion, so you better change the name of your work. Reason or belief. Cannot be together.

    1. Considering that the verse was directed at a group of men, it probably meant men who died unmarried would find a partner in paradise, and these “virgins” are probably just women from this world who died unmarried.
      But this is not even the important part of paradise in Islam and this is not the reason why someone should want to go there. Paradise is not about food, sex or whatever. These things might exist there but I don’t think they play any bigger role than in this life (if they even exist there).
      Paradise in Islam is about experiencing closeness to god, inner peace, harmony, purity, love, justice and true inner happiness. Many descriptions of paradise in the Quran are metaphorical.

      Most wars were caused by greed for resources, land, money, control etc. Without religion there would have been just as many or probably more wars, just under different names.

      True Islam did not have any invasions or attacks ! The first muslims only defended against the polytheistic Meccans who attacked them. The polytheistic Meccans were the ones who started attacks, wars and invasions against muslims.
      Muhammad turned the violent, immoral and aggressive people of Mecca into good, moral and peaceful people with his teachings.
      If you would have actually studied the life of Muhammad you would know that he did absolutely not seek for worldly pleasure. Most of the time he lived in humbleness and poverty, he sacrificed everything for the well-being of others, and taught to not seek for worldly pleasures.
      Freedom and democracy do not contradict Islam. I am for freedom and democracy as a muslim.
      There are many different Sharias. Liberal islamic groups do not interprete Sharia as a political law, but as private religious rules.

      1. Dear Felix! I agree with you that the real cause of wars was the interest in resources of any kind, but the pretext was a religious one. Islam was indeed imposed by the sword, with very few exceptions. In India was introduced for the first time in Kerala by force. Then from Afghanistan the Muslims invaded, destroying more than 10.000 Hindu temples. many people were forced to accept Islam, and under the Mughal Empire, many atrocities happened. Today Islam is a major inspiration for modern terrorism (backed for sure by Christians) because there is a gate opened for that. If we want to change that we must identify the destructive ideas and prevent people to use them. If we want a safer future we must accept and include all, not to sell them our ideology. The idea of good and bad, the right path or wrong path, the superiority of any religion or any human race, with me or against me, etc, must disappear. therefore dawah and any kind of missionary action must stop. Religion should be like the sexual organ: we should keep it for ourselves, not make it public. Islam is not better neither worse than other religions, containing in the same proportion of truth and falsehood as any other religions do. There is no one perfect, so there is no reason to sell it to others. the future is not owned by religions, but by people with acceptance and compassion in their hearts.

        1. Dr Wiseman,Your claim that Islam came to Kerala by force is a baseless argument, I am from Kerala, atleast study the basic history before Commenting on anything,

    2. There is also this one thing that felix is that there this Hadith that states we where souls before coming to this realm, and that we had friends and “soulmates” back there. And I think that you will be reunited with them if you didn’t get to meet them in this life

      “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought”. [30:21]

  13. in cosmology, about the theory of big bang, the quran verse quoted was 21:31 which is not correct, the ayat mentioned in article is
    from verse 21:30

  14. Here is a big problem: The Islamic teachings cannot explain what we were before birth, and this means accordingly that our soul was inexistent before birth, but will be immortal after that, and even after death. then the question which arises is What is the Soul. You say we will get a spiritual body. then who is We? Who is Me, who gets this spiritual body? Who is Me who dies (drops this physical body). that means the I or Me is not the body, but Soul. If is it so, then according to the Bible and Quran God blew over the piece of mud and gave it life (Adam). By blowing and giving life to Adam we can understand God gave something, a part of Himself, which is Life. Because God is Life, and God is the Universal Soul, means He is also eternal. Even the blow is a part of that soul, a part of God, which lives eternally, knowing no death or birth. then this is not really refuting the idea of reincarnation, but confirming it. A God which manifests in everything, in millions of forms and phenomena. That also means there is nothing but God, the only reality. If God is the only reality, then this physical world is only an illusion. Being an illusion or appearance is proved even by Quantum Physics today, as it was shown by yogis in ancient times and in Hindu scriptures. Your job is no doubt great, but is a loss of time, while no one can find a proper Truth this way, I mean studying Quran or even Bible one can find only superficial information, which happens to be similar to other scientifical ideas only on the surface. A scientific book is much thicker than the Quran, and the information in it is really detailed, giving a complete image. A doctor reads 50 books to become a doctor. How can one read only a book (Quran or Bible or whatever) and become wise or knowledgeable? This is not possible. People in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan studying only at religious schools, when coming to Europe seem really dumb, having no idea of basic knowledge on Mathematics, Geography, History, and at the professional level are not prepared at all. The Quran was not able to prepare them for life. Therefore they are facing big troubles trying to adapt to the new conditions.

    1. Hallo Corneliu G Wiseman,

      I was reading your comment and want to try to give you some answers.
      fist thing, I am a Muslim but I am not perfect so I’ll write under my limited understanding of Islam.

      you said;

      1.”The Islamic teachings cannot explain what we were before birth”
      wrong, it does

      from the Quran (19 Maryam; 67)

      أَوَلَا يَذْكُرُ الْإِنسَانُ أَنَّا خَلَقْنَاهُ مِن قَبْلُ وَلَمْ يَكُ شَيْئًا

      it means doesn’t the Human remember that he has been created already and he was nothing before!
      so before we were created we were nothing.

      2. and this means accordingly that our soul was inexistent before birth
      it wasn’t “our souls ” Allah gave it to “our father Adam”
      فَإِذَا سَوَّيْتُهُ وَنَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِي فَقَعُواْ لَهُ سَاجِدِينَ

      3.. then the question which arises is What is the Soul. You say we will get a spiritual body. then who is We? Who is Me, who gets this spiritual body?

      you are the acts you do

      4.next, you start writing Questions and Answers so I agree with some of what you said there but not the eternal part exactly as you said but would rather rephrase some of it

      our souls won’t die, his soul leaves his body, that’s what death means

      5.How can one read only a book (Quran or Bible or whatever) and become wise or knowledgeable?

      a.the first thing it is not only “a book” it’s a miracle book
      b.both are books from Allah but I don’t really know about the bible but I know that bible was re-written
      by people, the Quran was copied only.
      c.let’s come to the part about how. Quran is not a science book it’s a “Signs book”, which means
      while re-reading the Quran, everytime..you understand new things you understand more logic
      more experiments you already went throw in your life…

      I would like to tell you that the first verses that Jibril”an Angel”told to the prophet Mohammad were
      “read in the name of your God who created”
      اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ

      so in order to understand how I would say try to”read”

      5.you wrote an insult which I won’t take but try to study in non-Latin then judge.

      “…having no idea of basic knowledge on Mathematics”…(Arabs invented the Mathematics and many
      but in general…if they are Muslims and making mistakes don’t blame Islam and blame those who make the Mistakes

      6.The Quran was not able to prepare them for life. Therefore they are facing big troubles trying to adapt to the new conditions.
      that’s not a question but I would Answer

      “I am a Muslims and Islam is perfect if I made mistakes don’t blame Islam and blame me”

      I see why you didn’t receive Answers before mine
      it is really not clear if you are trying to blame the religion or to get answers to some questions
      it feels like there is some Hate is what you wrote.

      hope that Answered some parts of your long Question.

      Mohammad Alhallak

      1. My dear Mohammad Alhallak! I have no hatred and no intention to harm people but to help them. We have big problems today in the world and we try to identify and understand them. I would correct you: Arabs did not invent mathematics, but ancient Indians, Sumerians, and Egyptians did. The number system came from India to Arabs. The number π and geometry also came from India. The number Zero too.
        I do not hate anybody and anything. I will blame ideologies (even religions) rather than people. People must be free and happy. Observe please many Islamic countries are oppressive towards people (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan) There is a list of almost a hundred terrorist groups acting on behalf of Islam. I do not think Jaish e Muhammad or Boko Haram are secular terrorist groups, but religious. ISIS means Islamic State and according to their status are also defending Islam.
        The thing I want to say is: Today is time to gather representatives of all religions and ideologies at a debate, to put on the table all the facts, and to identify the toxic ideologies. Only this way we can eliminate violence and chaos from this planet. No specific religion must pervade on the world, but acceptance of others. Acceptance is going against missionarism (Dawah) of any kind. Acceptance is peace. Missionarism is the cause of conflicts. I hope you understood me. I do not hate, but love all. Because all is me, and I cannot hate myself. You and I are the same Soul.

    2. Im sorry but the way you aproched the topic is wrong (QURAN) as we know it is no (Biology book) neither is it a (Geography book) so therefore it doesn’t take upone those subcjects as the main problem , the ide of a (Holy Book) would be to convince people that there’s something outside this world ,so people don’t just live without a reason.
      This is similar to rules or (Prison) if (Prison) wasn’t a thing than the life you live today would be a completely different thing.
      You could argue that if this is the case than why does it try to take on subcjects like (Biology) ect, this is very simple to answer, you get these ideas that were proven to be true 1000+years later you have to keep in mind that Yes! the Quarn is a old book but yet is so accurate on the subcjects it talks upon , these in way are sings for you to belive the (Quran).You have to keep in mind that if there was a (Holy book) that had all the answers to the life you live today would it really make sense?
      i mean the whole point is to try to belive in a (God) that you cannot see neither is it similar to (Humans).
      Science is (Knowladge) people use it as a way to disprove (Gods) existence but it should be used to prove it.Quran is a book that has been written 1000+ years ago yet it didn’t change one thing ,that alone should be enough to prove that it’s not some random book, while in the other hand (Science) is a improving subcject it changes it’s laws whenever something new comes out, (Quran) doesn’t do this.
      And for you to say that they “seem really dumb” is ignorant ,the book alone says to (Work,Study ect) but don’t forget me your creator.

  15. Sir ,in the topic of evolution , what will you say about the story of Adam and Eve mentioned in the Holy Quran ? It is clear in surah Maidah ayat #1. That Allah created all the human beings from a single being means Adam, from him , Allah created us .

  16. “The mountains that you see, you think they are stationary while they are constantly floating like the floating of clouds. Such is the work of Allah Who made everything firm and strong. ” Holy Quran 27:89

    This verse in is cleary about the end times buddy the movement described is a supernatural event to take place at end times has proven by tafsir Kathir – Ibn Al Kathir and other tafiser

  17. The quaran is no more then a collection of ancient poetry written with the limited knowledge of its time. Trying to shoehorn some cherry-picked and mistranslated phrases into a modern scientific context is an act of desperation that merely reveals an intense insecurity in your belief system, and that is where you should really direct your attention.

    1. Yes, my dear human fellow! The same insecurity inherited from Christian and Jewish traditions. Therefore the expression: “you are with me or against me”, without a third option. Hence all the conflicts and misery in the world for centuries. The missionary acts must stop accepting all the religions as having the same amount (obviously a small one) of Truth.

  18. Well, you described these topics very well.
    The Qur’an gives the principles of life in every field.Quran is the most successful, important and execellent book.
    The science come to begin through Quran.The life is successful with following the Quran.The 9 topics that you explained are most famous scientific topics of Quran.Keep it up.
    God bless you.

  19. brother what about the verse 41:11 can Allah (swt) be talking about the formation of the atmosphere as he describes the earth,the atmosphere and then the 7 heavens. I do think that the smoke are from the early earth activity due to volcanoes then Allah commands them . then they respond by ” we will respond to You willingly and everything that You want to create in us will all be obedient to You”. this is from a tafsir. Can this be the case or how should we interprete this verses. Allah knows best

  20. Hello

    what is need of explaining the your god or allah .

    why he is not still visible

    is anybody seen the heaven

    1. Explanation via an example;

      Please try to read neutrally.
      Before explanation we shall know some basics of science and God.
      ***Definition of GOD: god is creator and he is uncreated therefore we call him God because anything which is created is created by God thats why created things or organisms can’t be called as God
      ***Science: a organism living in 2 dimensions can’t see a organism living in 3 dimension.

      Now apply the same concept of science to us (Humans ) and
      As we know God is the creator therefore we call him god from this point can I say God created dimensions, so how a living being of 3 dimension can se god !!!
      If organisms of 2 dimensions can’t see organism of 3 dimension then how we can see God who created all the dimensions which we are living in.

      Unless If you are saying God lives in 3 dimension which will be hilarious, reason why God doesn’t live in 3 dimension

      assume that you made a drawing now here you are the creator for the created thing ( drawing ) that’s why you level is far beyond the image of person in the drawing since you can erase him whenever you want or if you love the drawing you can give/create anything in the drawing you have control over everything in the drawing you doesn’t need to go into 2D drawing to make corrections you can do it from outside of 2D dimension also,
      Similarly according to my religion god is the most merciful and most exalted. here the meaning of word exalted is( that God is on the highest level in every/anything ) since he is also Al-kahhar which means he has control over everything in every dimension he can do good or bad with his creation according to their deeds ( in Hindi: karm ) like the painter he doesn’t have to go into painting to correct anything he can do it from from where he is.
      Since he is capable of everything he can also
      Come in our dimension but it will not happen reason is that creation isn’t capable of sustaining it’s creator because these things are on the level of human you can see examples on your surroundings like ample (enough ) amount sun rays are coming from sun so that the ecosystem of earth is working what would happened if the earth was nearest to the earth earth would have become fried crisp, presence of 0.003 percent of CO2 in atmosphere and remaining in water, plants coverts 2200 billion tons of CO2 to H2O which are again usefull to humans there are many e.g like these you can see clearly everything is working in the favour of humans and are working on the level of humans so that human life can be sustained on earth any fool would only this are are only happening by chance because everything in the world is in perfect sinc to each othe and work systematically for humans
      From atoms to planets understood these thing are only capable of sustaining human life form or lif with lower levels to human and higher levels to human and since human doesn’t have any level against God therefore this world+dimension which are all created by God doesn’t have the capacity to withstand the presence of God himself.

  21. Selamun aleykum bro, was looking at the first two miracles and the ayah numbers are +1 off. We may need to check the other ayah numbers for accuracy.

  22. Total knowledge is with God (Allah). There is no knowledge outside of His knowledgE, therefore science is just a sub-set of His knowledge and you would expect NO contradiction, only alignment. Of course, the Qur’an is NOT a book of science and doesn’t claim to be.

    As for wars, the powerful group of the day will always refer to the ‘other’. The West today refers to Muslim and Islam as the other. Whether this is to justify unjust wars, or to provide employment for many in the production of munitions is a moot point.

    However to refer to missionary activity and dawah as the same is a misnomer. Qur’an 2:256 clearly states, There is no compulsion in religion.

    As for what was bEfore the body was created, the souls were created first (see. ‘am I not your God?’ – a lustu birabbikum).
    The Bible refers to Eve being created from Adam (a body). The qur’an refers to men and women being created from one soul.

    The sister who reminds to read the whole Qur’an is giving the true picture.
    You can see from just the few points I’ve referred to here that they are intertwined and therefore the whole should be studied, not just one or two items in isolation.

  23. I have a question here, as science grows by time many things we know are true now may later the same science prove them wrong due to higher research, knowledge and technology. So what will happen to the Quran if the same science come out to prove the these scientific miracles/theories wrong? Shall we we have another Quran to explain the new parallel science we have today to make the Quran true?

  24. Someone says the science is keep changing based on discovery and theory and he asked what if science change the facts that Quran verified, will we bring the new Quran to be conquered with new finding and new theory, I want to answer him, that wait for that day to come. Quran will never change it explanation since it is came straight from the creator of all. Science will either works with Quran for more clues that it yet to discover or it will keep revealing the authentication of Quran as the revelation not from this world.

  25. Assalamu Arikum! Clear article masha Allah!
    My name is Mohamed, i am young man who is learning everyday more about this beautiful religion Alhamdulilllah! I also make deen video editing’s and post them to social media through my pages,
    Brother Nasser i would like to ask you directly,
    Can I use your article for my video, i would insha Allah edit great video and i will add voice in to it.
    I would definitely give the credit’s to you, and i’ll add source website to the videos. Jazakall!

    1. Islam is a beautiful and exotic religion. But that is all. It has nothing new, only repeating the same stories of previous abrahamic religions. And without scientific data developed by science, would be impossible to develop that knowledge following the Quran alone. The Islamic propaganda saw some scientific theories and said”Aha! Look, it says in the Book the same. ” In fact the verses are ambiguous. In the time of Mohammad people believed the Sun goes around Earth, and it falls in mud. They thought the earth is flat.
      Muhammad hadn’t live in Mekka. Mekka was nowhere on the maps of the time, on Silky Road. Islam is also a contradiction in itself: Salam (Peace) is not what actually many Muslims do. There are some really devotional and peaceful, but in a small number. And Sharia, inviting to punishment and physical violence, has nothing to do with Peace(Islam), but quite opposite fear, manipulation, abuses and limitations of the Spirit. Islam, Christianity and Judaism should disappear, at least in the form exist today. Humans must be free and happy. These religions preach obedience, fear, and guilt. Nothing about love, happiness freedom and spiritual evolution. Shariah, Inquisition are bullshit. These people make a Hell on this planet, hoping they are going to Paradise. I don’t think Allah would create a paradise for those people. They are just ignorant.

  26. Dear and beloved Sir, Assalam u Alaikum. I am Basit from Pakistan. I believe that the two verses of Holy Quran in Surah Taobah, the last two ones, are human intervention by Muawiyyah and his companions. But now i also believe that there are many other verses of Surah al Taobah and Surah Anfaal, which are also faked by Muaawiyah and his companions. Sura al-Tawba is a Madani Sura of the Quran and in the order of revelation, it is the 114th (last) sura revealed to the Prophet PBUH. According to a hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas, “Uthman said that the Prophet PBUH did not say anything about the place of these two suras (i.e Anfaal and Al Taobah). Thus, we wrote them consecutively because both were revealed in Medina and were concerned with the same topic.” This Hadees can be deception by someone i suspect sir. In Surah Taobah, one ayah says Jews said that Uzair PBUH was son of God, another verse states Ara’aab are more in kufar and hypocrisy. Then there are strange jihad related ayaahs which differ with the rest of Holy Quran’s true Jihad which is holy and just. There is a Ziraar Mosque built by hypocrites mentioned in this same Surah. Sura al-Tawba commands Muslims to cut their ties with polytheists and hypocrites, and this command isn’t found anywhere else in Holy Quran. Holy Quran does says that don’t take infidels as your companions, but we see that Quran also allows Muslims to marry christians and Jewish women, so Quran is just obviously saying that don’t make enemies of Islam or humanity your companions, i.e. the people who fought Prophet PBUH. Holy Quran is peaceful when it says that practicing pious people of Jew, Christian and Muslim religions are one single branch. Sir, according to Holy Quran, we bring people from one house of God, i.e. the Church, to the other house of God, i.e. the Mosque. Back on topic sir, we have some ahadees stating that reciting Surah Anfaal and Surah Taobah delivers from fire, and these surahs have advantages etc. These ahadees seem deceptions to me. I have doubt on some of the verses of Surah Anfaal, especially its Jihad based Ayahs, such as Ayah 67 which states that It is better for Prophet PBUH to kill enemies rather than subjugate them.
    It has been well proven AlhamduLILLAH that Holy Quran is Kitaabum mutashaabihamm masaani, i.e. Holy Quran not only has fractal similarities in its text but also has fractals based on digit 19. You brothers know and have MashaAllah worked with Number 19 miracle of Holy Quran. Kindly sir, recheck and research again on Numerical code of 19 excluding suspicious verses from these both Surahs. Kindly reply me so i can know that you have read my mail. May God save His Message from any form of human intervention.
    Best Regrds, Jazaak Allah,

    1. Wasalaam,

      At the beginning of Surah Aal-e-Imran it says that those with knowledge say that the whole Quran is from their Lord. Thus, any intervention/interpolation in the Quran is refuted.


  27. Great post! The miracles of the Quran never cease to amaze. Its timeless wisdom, scientific accuracy, and intricate language all point to a divine source. Each verse carries profound insights that resonate across time and space, leaving us in awe of its miraculous nature. Thank you for highlighting these wonders that continue to captivate hearts and minds

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